VIDEO Viktor Orban at Băile Tușnad: The Romanian Foreign Ministry stipulated what I can and can’t talk about. Hungary will assume the presidency of the EU Council / The „Orthodox Brotherhood” Association forced entry into the event.

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Prior to the address by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, organizers of the 32nd Free Summer University and Student Camp in Tuşnad have tightened security, preventing representatives of the „Orthodox Brotherhood” Association from attending. Viktor Orban asserted in his speech that the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had given him a list of acceptable and unacceptable subject matter. In this context, he cautioned that „Romanian brothers” should take into account that Hungary supports Romania’s Schengen membership and will have the EU Council chair in the upcoming year.

Approximately a hundred members and supporters of the „Calea Neamului” and „Orthodox Brotherhood” organizations arrived at Băile Tușnad but were not allowed to enter the area where Prime Minister Viktor Orban will deliver his speech. They were isolated by gendarmes near the main entrance of the camp, although they claim to have registered on the event website as required by the organizers.

During his nearly hour-long speech, Viktor Orban mentioned that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest sent him a document detailing what he can and can’t discuss. In this regard, he pointed out that his country will assume the EU Council presidency, and Hungary’s main goal will be to support Romania’s accession to the Schengen area.

Orban stated that he was asked not to discuss „delicate issues”, „sensitivities”, and „national symbols that could offend Romanian feelings”, adding that he agreed not to talk about these matters but welcomed „our friends who showed up here with flags”. He was referring to the members of the „Calea Neamului” and „Orthodox Brotherhood” associations who had tri-color flags, but they were not allowed to enter the event.

Furthermore, Orban said that he was advised not to speak about the collective rights of minorities in his speech. He responded to this recommendation by acknowledging that these rights exist and that local Hungarians are entitled to these collective rights.

Among other things, Orban mentioned that he was advised not to talk about „administrative territorial units in Romania that don’t exist”, referring presumably to the Szekely Land. He also noted that he was told he could discuss certain topics but not to cast them in a bad light, specifically referring to Western values and arguing that „they put themselves in a bad light”.

Key statements from the Hungarian Prime Minister, according to

Viktor Orban: „The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent us a document detailing what we should and shouldn’t talk about” In the fight for Christianity in Europe, we will also need Romanian Orthodoxy Every year there are headaches related to what we should talk about here The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is more affiliated with the Presidency, sent me a document instructing me on what not to talk about, what I can talk about, and what I absolutely must omit from my speech We are not supposed to talk about things that might touch on Romanian sensitivities, such as the collective rights of minorities, but these rights exist and belong to the local Hungarians We were instructed not to talk about non-existent Romanian territorial units; we can talk about Transylvania and Szekely Land, but I never claimed that these were Romanian territorial units We were advised not to cast Western values such as migration, LGBT, and war in a bad light; we don’t need to cast them in a bad light because they have already put themselves in a bad light If we received this document, proposal, advice, then what do we recommend in return? Firstly, if the President of Romania comes to Hungary – and has often been invited – we will not tell the President of Romania what he can and can’t talk about here Regarding Romania’s accession to Schengen: We draw attention to the fact that from June 1, 2024, Hungary will assume the EU Council presidency We have another recommendation for our Romanian brothers. Please consider the following: Romania’s greatest ambition, its greatest goal, is fully supported by Hungary, namely accession to the Schengen area And we draw your attention to the fact that from July 1, 2024, Hungary will assume the presidency in the European Union, and a major objective of Hungary will be to support Romania in this endeavor to join the Schengen area Until then we can say the following: Romania has a new prime minister We wish him great success, it’s very good, may God bless him. Since I am the Prime Minister of Hungary, he is the 20th counterpart of mine, so maybe it’s a lucky number The balance of power in the world has changed, as there was a balance of power in the world for 80 years after the Second World War For the first 45 years, the Anglo-Saxons handed us over to the Soviets, then a free era began, today the Soviets have been driven out without war. Today, China has changed power relations There are no permanent winners and losers in the world Asia and China stand before us in superpower attire, they have self-respect and a long-term plan. They want to end the century of humiliation Today we live in a world where we are heading for collision every day War is not inevitable, but for that, a new balance must be found. The question is how? The great powers should answer 10:45 Speeches given by Hungarian officials:

The „Orthodox Brotherhood” Association

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